
Perfect Creamy Vanilla Ice Cream

HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SPRING! It’s here…we made it. Now if the weather would just get on board. In my dreams we wake up on the first day of spring to green grass, flowers blooming and all the birds singing. Not in Minnesota. We have 2 more months before the fear of frost is over. […]

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  VALENTINE TRADITIONS AND SWEETS Valentine’s Day. A day set aside to show our love for those special people in our lives. While I know that we do this on a daily basis it’s fun to do a little something extra. Today I’m sharing some of our Valentine Traditions and Sweets. I would love to […]

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I usually make these with dried cranberries and this time used dried cherries. I can’t decide which is better! With a little touch of honey, cinnamon, crunchy pecans plus, the tartness of the cherry it is the perfect combination with the brie cheese. Warm and melty you will have a hard time eating just one. […]

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Honey Apple Cake

6 YUMMY APPLE RECIPES We got snow yesterday! I must admit it was so nice just to stay home and watch the snowfall and not have to go out in it. It always takes me a few weeks to adjust to the cold…my blood needs to have time to thicken up again. Ha! This picture […]

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