Hello…did you just think Adele?
So glad you have joined me. If you followed me before on “It’s the Coffee Talkin” or just finding me, Welcome. I am really excited about the new fresh look of my blog. I’m ready to take you along on some vacas and let’s try some recipes!
Would love to read your comments and if you subscribe we can stay connected easily.
I don’t know about you, but living here in Minnesota I am so ready for some warm weather. We keep getting a “tease” with a warm day or two and then it gets cold again. I swear the skies are laughing at me.
Do you hear them? Are they laughing at you, too?
So on a recent weekend here it was time for the annual Home and Garden Show. I bought tickets then told hubs what we were doing. He was a good sport, but after seeing displays for new roofs and gutters and really fun stuff like that UGH, I was so happy to see the flowers! I just wanted to sit by the fountains and take in the beauty for awhile, but remember hubs was with me.
Here are a few pictures from our day and if you are living in a cold area maybe you will get some inspiration for those warm days coming and have dreams of flowers, gardens and running through meadows. We can always dream, right?!
This granite slab for a table was incredible and check out the stools! I could imagine myself eating here no problem.
This fountain idea is so pretty…the water trickles just enough, know what I mean?
The tallest rock formation has fire dancing on the water and had me thinking how hubs might be willing to do this for me us.
These floral “dresses” were so pretty. I imagined that if I were Eve I might wear something like this on a pretty Spring day……and if I were working in the garden, but she had Adam for this! *rolling my eyes*
I might wear this if we had a fancy dinner to go to. Everyone would want to know where I got my dress!
This is the closet that I got to these good looking guys. I had the dates wrong for when they were going to be here.
Oh well. My wish is for them to reno a house for me. Wouldn’t that be the coolest thing ever?!
Loved it Cindy. 🙂
Thank you so much! 🙂