Friday Favorites - My Favorite Things This Week - Vol 8

Friday Favorites - My Favorite Things This Week - Vol 8

Friday Favorites – My Favorite Things This Week – Vol 8


Hi ladies, Happy Friday! I can hardly believe that today is October 1st and the first Friday Favorites of the month. We had such gorgeous days last weekend and visited a sunflower field for some pictures. I had never been to one before and was excited to find one that was close to our home. On Sunday, Tom grilled some burgers and corn on the cob. We are taking advantage of the gorgeous days as much as possible. This weekend we are back to painting at our son’s town-home. It’s looking so good, amazing what a little paint can do. Have a wonderful weekend!


1. This week I just started taking this supplement from Happy Healthy Hippie and let me tell you, I am feeling so good! With going through menopause and all the silliness in the world right now I have felt my happiness not like it had been. I’m glad to say that it is back. They have a lot of great supplements and a few nights ago I added the Namastay in Bed. Good stuff!

2. Changing out your pillows has never been easier! Tom is so happy that I have switched over to changing the covers…less storage, easy to change and they come in a bunch of colors. I got 2 pillowcovers in the 18″ size and they are only $14!

3. With Halloween being on a Sunday this year I feel like the parties and get togethers will be big this year. How about a combined football and treat-or-treat day? Here is a candy charcuterie board that I put together last year. Fun, quick and easy!

4. Where are my coffee lovers at? I dare you to find a more comfortable brand for a sweater and loungewear.

5. As you know I LOVE my serums. These ampoules are hands down my favorite! I use them once a month and they make a huge difference in my skin. There are lots of different combinations so you can find what is best for your skin needs. Tip: I use half an ampoule a day it lasts twice as long and the coverage is more than enough.

6. The other morning I woke up with a stiff neck that moved down into my back. I hate to take medicine and reached for this plant-based relief cream. It works you guys! NO SMELL, it’s amazing. Within 20 minutes I was feeling so much better and good as new in a few hours. It is plant-based and homeopathic and I just found that they have a formula for pets.

7. Speaking of pets, when I was in Target the other day I found this adorable sweater for Mia to wear for Halloween while we pass out candy. She loves to greet all the kids and it’s always so cold, so this is perfect.

8. Last night while fixing dinner I realized that I had not shared these utensils with you! I shared the knives from this brand last week. This silicone set is so great for everything! I use them for sauteing to flipping eggs and mixing up brownies. My daughters LOVE them and I have already ordered them a set for Christmas. If silicone is not your thing they have just come out with a gorgeous teak set!

9. I purchased this cozy faux fur jacket and it’s finally starting to cool down enough to wear it. It is marked down 40% off! Comes in two super cute colors/patterns.

10. Perfume is always a splurge for me and a great Christmas present. This is my favorite scent and I just found it 32% off!


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