Hi Ladies! I’m finally sharing some pictures of our new landscaping. I was so involved in making sure that everything was getting watered twice a day and sprinkling coffee grounds on the new flowers (it seems to be helping in keeping the bunnies away!) that I forgot to take pictures. It has made such a beautiful difference in our front yard and it’s so great to have it finished!

This week on Friday Favorites – My Favorite Things This Week – Vol 34 include some great yoga leggings that are a new brand for me and hair products that are called milkshake. (amazing!) First some pictures!

These are the before pictures with the landscaping that was put in when we bought the house. They tore everything out except the tree and some day lilies that I wanted saved.

Some after pictures! Can you spot Mia on the porch? I think my favorite new plants are the pink hydrangeas and the hydrangea tree. Can’t wait until it’s fully bloomed! We are working on getting the grass all filled in again.

Friday Favorites – My Favorite Things This Week – Vol 34



These leggings are cool enough for a warmer day. There is a reason they are called Butterluxe!  My daughter got me a pair for my birthday and I promptly ordered more colors! (there are 16 colors)



I have been living in this sweatshirt since it came a few days ago! Nope, I haven’t even washed it yet. Really like the tomboy green color. This sweatshirt is lighter and cooler and I throw on at night to go outside and water the plants then I throw it on again in the mornings over my pj’s while I’m waiting for my coffee.



This top is so cute! It’s lightweight and the pattern is so fun. Looks great with shorts or jeans and I like to leave it loose when I need some tummy room or tie it at your waist in a knot for another cute look.



There is still plenty of time to get your tee for the 4th of July. I like this one because is has all the states on the flag. It comes in red, white or navy blue and there are sizes for the whole family if you want to match! Tom likes the navy blue and I like the white.



Temps around here are in the high 90’s and lots of dresses are perfect for this weather! Nothing like a breeze up your legs to help you stay cool or just don’t want to put on a pair of jeans. If you like bolder prints this is the shop for you! Use code: CYNTHIA15 to save 15% off your first order. Check out their “sale on sale” and save an additional 30% off already marked down items!



We have been looking for a new chandelier for over the dining room table. I have my eye on this one. I would love to know what you think!



It’s for your hair! I recently got a sample of this brand in the deep conditioner and shampoo. Wow. Loved them! Smells great and made my hair feel amazing. You know how I love clean products and this brand has been added to my list with organic ingredients such as: milk protein, strawberries, sunflowers and papaya.



The Dyson Air Wrap is available again at Best Buy. If you have been wanting one I would grab it asap they always go so fast! I love mine and my hair feels so much better for it. No frizzes and the tools use air so you aren’t clamping your hair like a traditional curling iron. This is the newest style!



About a year ago Tom surprised me with a Dyson vacuum and it is the best ever! I never knew how easy it could be to vacuum. Imagine not looking for the nearest plug in and you can grab it and take it anywhere around your house. I even use it to vacuum out the car. Worth every penny and I found it marked down…$100 off HERE.



Signature soft from Lou & Grey this romper is perfect for summer. It comes in two colors: red or navy and is 50% off right now.



If you haven’t entered yet don’t miss the Summer Giveaway HERE!

I’ve got you covered for your 4th of July celebrations HERE with outfits, yard games and some family favorite recipes.



For updates on sales throughout the week and behind the scenes around here sign up for my newsletter to see all the latest!